Good Jobs Nation

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08 October 2016

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08 October 2016
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Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference partners with Change to Win and Federally Contracted Low-Wage Workers to Launch “Good Jobs Nation” Campaign for Living Wage and Voice on the Job
On Wednesday, May 8 at 9 a.m. EST, low-wage workers from around the country employed in a variety of firms operating under federal contracts, loans, and leases will join Members of Congress, community leaders, and local elected officials to announce the launch of Good Jobs Nation—a new organization of low-wage workers joining together for a living wage and a voice on the job. These low-wage workers employed by private businesses serve the American public by working in the food courts at government buildings like Union Station and the Ronald Reagan Building, greeting visitors and selling memorabilia at the Smithsonian Museums, driving trucks hauling federally-owned loads, and making military uniforms for our troops. The new organizing effort comes just weeks after strikes in New York City and Chicago by low-wage workers at major fast food and retail chains including Macy’s and McDonalds.Info