The National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University Commemorates the 17th Anniversary since the Presidential Apology and the 82nd year since the Syphillis Study began. The theme for the 2014 Public Health Ethics Intensive Course is “Ethics and Social Justice.”
In 1997, President William Jefferson Clinton apologized to the men who were subjects in the Syphillis Study and the African American community on behalf of the Nation. The Syphillis Study was one of the most egregious investigations in human subject research and health care. By Executive Order, President Clinton mandated that the Department of Health and Human Services fund Tuskegee University to establish a bioethics center “making sure there is never again another episode like this one.” The 3-Day Public Health Ethics Intensive Course is designed for a tran-disciplinary group of scholars, researchers, policy officials, community advocates and students. The course will focus on bioethics, public health ethics and health disparity issues related to social justice.
Jamye’s role will be as faculty-respondent to Plenary Keynote, Reverend Joan R. Harrell who will be speaking on Social Media and Social Justice: The Media is the Message.